Puppy biting can be a real problem. It's cute when they are little, but it can become a real issue when they get older. Not only is it annoying, but it can also be dangerous if the puppy starts to nip at people's hands and faces.
See tips and tricks and learn how to stop your puppy from biting. Learn things you can start implementing straight away.
Obedience Training
Puppy obedience training is essential, this helps the dog but more importantly it helps you learn how to be in control. You'll soon realise that you need to be consistent with your commands.
Teething Problems
This is usually where it starts! Clearly it is one of the main reasons puppies bite because they are teething. This is a natural process that all puppies go through, and it can be quite painful for them. They will often chew on anything they can get their teeth on to try to ease the pain.
This includes furniture, shoes, socks, and even your hands and feet!
Although it is totally understandable why they start chewing and biting things they shouldn't, but your job is to make sure it doesn't become a habit once they are past the teething stage.
Read out teething article here.
To help stop your puppy from biting, you can give them something to chew on that is safe and specifically designed for teething puppies.
There are many different types of chew toys available at pet stores. Find one that your puppy likes and make sure to always have it available for them to chew on.
Don't be put off getting a Cavapoo because of these teething/biting issues. It is a growing phase and Cavapoos are very good with children, so you shouldn't have any worries on that score.
Puppies also bite out of excitement or energy. They may nip at your hands when you are playing with them or trying to pet them. If this is the case, it is important to remain calm and avoid reacting in a way that will only excite them more. Instead, try to redirect their energy into something else like a toy or bone.
You can also try exercises that tire them out such as fetch or swimming. A tired puppy is much less likely to bite than one who is full of energy.
If your puppy is biting out of fear or aggression, it is important to seek professional help from a trainer or behaviourist. This type of biting can be dangerous and difficult to change on your own. With the help of a professional, you can learn how to properly socialize your puppy and help them overcome their fear or aggression.
If you have a puppy play group near where you live I'd definitely recommend trying it out. Read "Are puppy play groups good?"
Puppy biting can be a real problem, but with consistency and patience, it is possible to stop your puppy from biting.
Puppy biting can be a real problem, but with consistency and patience, it is possible to stop your puppy from biting. Chew toys, redirecting their energy, and professional help are all great methods to use when trying to stop your puppy from biting. What method has worked best for you? Let us know in the comments!
One method that has worked well for me is using a water bottle. Whenever my puppy starts to bite, I squirt him with water from the bottle. He doesn't like it and it quickly gets his attention. I then tell him "no bite" in a firm voice and give him a chew toy.
He has learned that if he bites, he will get squirted with water. This method requires consistency and patience, but it is possible to stop your puppy from biting. What method has worked best for you? Let us know in the comments!
Puppy biting can be a real problem, but with consistency and patience, it is possible to stop your puppy from biting.
Chew toys can help, redirecting their energy. Read about the best chews for a puppy here.
Getting professional help can be expensive but may be the last resort for many. What method has worked best for you? Let me know via Twitter. @Beansblog1