September 1, 2023

Understanding Behaviour: Why Do Female Dogs Put Their Bum on You?

As a dog owner, you may have experienced the curious behaviour of a female dog putting her bum on you. While it may seem odd or even embarrassing, it's important to understand that this behaviour is a form of canine communication and can reveal a lot about your furry friend's instincts and personality.

In this section, we'll delve into the fascinating world of dog behaviour and explore the reasons behind why female dogs put their bum on you. By gaining insight into canine communication, we can deepen our understanding and strengthen our bond with our furry companions.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Female dogs putting their bum on you is a form of canine communication
  • Understanding dog behaviour can strengthen the bond between a dog and its owner
  • The behaviour may reveal a dog's instincts and personality

Canine Body Language and Communication

Understanding canine body language is crucial for establishing a strong bond with our furry friends. Dogs use body language as a primary means of communication with both humans and other dogs, and being able to decipher their signals can help prevent miscommunication and misunderstandings.

When greeting other dogs or humans, dogs often exhibit specific body postures and behaviours. For example, a dog may wag its tail and hold its ears in a relaxed position when greeting a familiar human. Conversely, a dog may hold its tail tightly between its legs and crouch down when feeling nervous or fearful of a new person.

It's also important to remember that dogs communicate not only through visual cues but also through scent. Dogs are known for their exceptional sense of smell, and they use scent marking to communicate with other dogs in a variety of ways. This behaviour can include urinating on objects, rubbing their bodies on furniture or people, or even marking with their faeces.

Canine Greetings

When dogs greet each other, they utilise a series of body language cues that express their intentions and emotions. A common dog greeting involves sniffing the other dog's genital area, which may seem strange to humans but is a natural behaviour for canines. The sniffing serves as a way for dogs to gather information about one another, including their sex, reproductive status, and general health.

Dogs also use their bodies to convey their emotions during greetings. A relaxed and friendly dog will typically approach with a loose, wagging tail and an open mouth. In contrast, a fearful or aggressive dog may approach with a stiff, raised tail and an intimidating posture.

Social Cues

Dogs use a variety of body postures and vocalisations to convey specific social cues to other dogs. For example, a play bow - where a dog lowers its front legs and raises its butt into the air - is a common invitation to play. Similarly, a dog that wants to show submission or deference to a more dominant dog may approach with a lowered head, tail tucked between its legs, and ears flattened against its head.

By paying attention to a dog's body language and social cues, we can better understand their intentions and emotions. This can help us establish stronger bonds with our furry friends and create a happier and more harmonious household.

Instinctual Behaviors and Scent Marking

As social animals, dogs rely on communication to navigate their relationships with others. Scent marking is one way that dogs assert their presence and establish their territory.

Female dogs may put their bum on you to leave behind a scent that marks you as part of their pack. This instinctual behavior stems from their ancestry as hunters and protectors of their pack. By leaving their scent on you, they are communicating to other dogs that you are a member of their pack.

It's important to keep in mind that this behavior is not necessarily intentional or malicious. Rather, it's a natural instinct that dogs have developed over centuries of evolution.

Key Points:
  • Dogs rely on scent marking to communicate with others
  • Female dogs may put their bum on you to leave behind a scent that marks you as part of their pack
  • This behavior is not intentional or malicious, but rather a natural instinct

"Scent marking is a natural expression of a dog's desire to claim a space as their own." - Dr. Stanley Coren

It's important to note that while scent marking is a natural behavior, it can also be a sign of anxiety or stress in some dogs. If your female dog is excessively scent marking or exhibiting other concerning behaviors, it's best to consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist to address any underlying issues.

By understanding the instinctual behaviors and natural tendencies of dogs, we can better comprehend why female dogs put their bum on us. With this knowledge, we can build stronger connections with our furry friends and strengthen our bonds with them.

Socialization and Establishing Dominance

As a professional copywriting journalist, I have come to understand the importance of socialization in a dog's behavior and the establishment of dominance within a pack. Dogs are social animals and rely heavily on social cues to communicate with each other and with humans. Therefore, a lack of socialization can lead to problem behaviors and difficulties in communicating effectively.

When it comes to establishing dominance, dogs use a variety of cues such as body posture, vocalizations, and scent marking. These behaviors are deeply ingrained in a dog's instincts and are used to assert their dominance and establish their place in the pack.

Socializing Your Dog

Socializing your dog from a young age can help prevent problem behaviors and establish a positive relationship between you and your furry companion. This involves exposing your dog to a variety of people, animals, and environments in a controlled and safe manner.

  • Introduce your dog to different people, including children and individuals of different ages, genders, and races.
  • Expose your dog to other animals, such as cats, birds, and other dogs.
  • Take your dog on walks in different environments, such as parks, beaches, and busy streets.

Proper socialization can help your dog become more confident, well-behaved, and adaptable to new situations. It can also prevent problem behaviors such as fearfulness, aggression, and territoriality.

Understanding Dominance Behaviors

Dominance behaviors can manifest in various ways, including marking territory, growling, and posturing. It's important to understand that these behaviors are natural and instinctive for dogs, but they can also become problematic if left unchecked.

As a dog owner, it's important to establish yourself as the leader of the pack in a fair and consistent manner. This involves setting boundaries, providing structure and routine, and rewarding positive behaviors. With proper training and socialization, you can establish a positive relationship with your dog and prevent dominant behaviors from becoming problematic.

In conclusion, socialization plays a key role in a dog's behavior and the establishment of dominance within a pack. Understanding these behaviors and providing proper training and socialization can help prevent problem behaviors and establish a positive relationship between you and your furry companion.

Possible Reasons for the Behavior

So, why do female dogs put their bum on you? There may be several reasons behind this behavior, and it's essential to understand the context in which it occurs.


One possible reason for this behavior is socialization. When a female dog is socialized properly during her puppyhood, she learns how to interact with humans and other dogs appropriately. However, if she is not socialized correctly or did not receive enough socialization, she may demonstrate inappropriate behaviors, such as putting her bum on you to seek attention.

Attention-Seeking Behavior

Dogs love attention, and sometimes they'll do anything to get it, including putting their bum on you. Female dogs may use this behavior as a way to demand their owners' attention or to initiate playtime. Moreover, some female dogs may stick their bum in your face to get you to scratch their lower back, which can be a very satisfying sensation for them.

Establishing Dominance

Dogs are pack animals, and they have a natural tendency to establish dominance. Female dogs may put their bum on you as a display of dominance or to assert their place in the pack. However, this behavior can also be a sign of submission. Female dogs may present their hindquarters as a submissive gesture to their owners or other dogs.

Scent Marking

Scent marking is another instinctual behavior in dogs, and female dogs may also engage in this behavior by putting their bum on you. Dogs have scent glands in their anal area, and when they rub their bum on a surface, they are leaving their scent and marking their territory. Thus, when a female dog puts her bum on you, she may be trying to establish dominance or marking you as her territory.

Overall, the behavior of female dogs putting their bum on you can have multiple meanings depending on the context and the specific dog. It is vital to understand your dog's body language and behavior to determine the underlying cause of this behavior. With proper training and socialization, you can help your dog develop appropriate behavior and strengthen your bond with them.


As a dog owner and professional journalist, I've always been fascinated by the various behaviours of our furry friends. In this article, we've explored the intriguing behaviour of female dogs putting their bum on you and peeled back the layers to understand the reasons behind it.

By delving into the world of canine communication, we've discovered how dogs use body language to convey their emotions and establish dominance within their pack. We've also explored the role of instincts and socialisation in shaping a dog's behaviour.

When it comes to the behaviour of female dogs putting their bum on you, there are a multitude of factors at play. It could be a way of seeking attention, asserting dominance, or simply trying to establish a connection. By understanding the potential reasons behind this behaviour, we can develop a deeper bond with our pets and become better dog owners.

I hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into the behaviour of female dogs putting their bum on you. By taking the time to understand our furry friends and their unique ways of communicating, we can foster a stronger relationship with them that will last a lifetime.


Q: Why do female dogs put their bum on you?

A: Female dogs may put their bum on you as a way of communication. It could be a form of asserting dominance, seeking attention, or trying to establish a connection.

Q: How do dogs communicate through body language?

A: Dogs communicate through body language, both with humans and other dogs. They use cues such as tail wagging, ear position, and posture to convey their emotions and intentions.

Q: Why do dogs scent mark?

A: Scent marking is an instinctual behavior for dogs. It allows them to communicate their presence and establish their territory.

Q: How does socialization affect a dog's behavior?

A: Socialization plays a crucial role in a dog's behavior. Proper socialization helps dogs learn appropriate ways to interact with humans and other animals.

Q: What are some possible reasons for female dogs putting their bum on you?

A: There are various theories and factors that may contribute to this behaviour, including seeking attention, asserting dominance, or trying to establish a connection.

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